Years ago my wife was diagnosed with cancer, and after losing several friends and family members to cancer, I decided to become more educated on the subject and also be my wife's best advocate.  

I spent countless hours in the library of M.U.S.C., the medical teaching hospital in Charleston, S.C. and during the course of my studying, i found numerous books that illustrated positive links between viruses, bacteria and certain cancers.

This information was available in the '80s, but it didn't become commonly recognized until recently. Many of the books I pored over had never been checked out by any of the students of the college. They are all too busy studying the courses suggested by the companies that heavily support the teaching hospitals.

Those courses are of course only designed to teach the kids to prescribe drugs to treat any ailment. The industry always strives to treat the symptoms and not look for root causes.

As I kept finding more information about studies that showed bacteria, viruses and chronic inflammation being linked to cancer, it dawned on me that something is very wrong with our current approach to treating this set of diseases known as cancer.

How was it possible that a layman, on a desperate search could find study after study linking identifiable causes for cancer, and the medical establishment would steadfastly maintain that they had absolutely no idea how cancer develops?

Needless to say, my faith in the traditional medical establishment was rocked and it turns out there are several ways to use natural agents to offset cancers' progression.

Modern medicine is no longer interested in preventive care and health care. It is only interested in palliative care and symptomatic care - people have to pay for it and it is extortionate.

It's all a business. I'm pretty sure someone has come out with the cure but if it gets out, there are many companies that would go out of business overnight.

It is the same with the illegal drugs that are out there - they could really put a stop to it but they won't ! Why?

Plain and simple . It's a business and if they stop there would be no sick people to heal and no need to rake in money by doing needless tests on medical hi tech gizmos and make sick people even sicker by feeding them poison disguised as remedy that brings other illnesses.

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