There is a contention that if one does not believe in god, rubbishes religion or is simply irreligious are not as moralistic as those who espouse religion, read holy books and frequent places of worship. Some go to the extent of saying that atheists worship the devil so they are demonic.
Is the above true?

To refute the above, we have to first look at human behaviourism - humans are social creatures. It is rather a design of evolution than the result of Adam and Eve's copulation; humans need constant contact with fellow human beings in order to live and most importantly, improve. Early man had to help each other in order to eke a fulfilling living out. Hierarchy got established and it had no name in that stone age. As social creatures, intuitive morals like the avoiding of inbreeding and incest and care and psyche related moral like kindness become traits that cannot be separated from the relationship hence it is proof that humans don't need religion to recognize and practice virtues. A question begs to be asked here: What religion did the Neanderthal man belonged to?

So, based on the evidence above, it can be inferred than humans are inherently capable of morality - no need god to teach humans how to be moralistic. If it is meant to be otherwise, every god and religion has a different code of what is considered moralistic or not; what is right in one religion is wrong in another religion as per respective gods' injunctions . Hinduism preaches ahimsa - non violence on sentient creatures while Islam celebrates Sacrifice Day and slaughter animals and this only one comparison. What an unbiased mind can sum up from this is that the human mind can be conditioned to follow a set of rules, man made or otherwise but morality is contained in one's psyche, influenced by environment and self observation from birth to death which is subject to change with time's progression and life's advancement.

The perfect example for this is Buddha; while everyone else accepted death, disease and old age as normal phases in life, Siddhartha Gauthama could not take it like everyone else could. Despite being a Hindu, Buddha forsook lavish life and family and embraced asceticism, which he thought is the virtuous path. This is what I meant by saying that morality is contained in the psyche of every individual and it is different in every individual. Morality is not the uniformity of a holy book; morality is contained in the diversity of individualism of both man and animal and it begins immediately after birth. Morality is an intuition, not an external program that needs to be downloaded into the mind.
So saying that I am not religious, therefore I am wicked is entirely bull crap.
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