Here we are, in the age of the geek/nerd. Everyone is digging all the amazing new comic/sci fi movies hitting, all the amazing video games...comic con has grown into an event bigger than burning man. Yet, there seems to be a problem. Instead of celebrating and embracing all the noobs who are digging our culture, nerds are acting as cliquey and elitist as the jocks who shunned them in school!
I can give three sh*ts if the hot booth babe at gentle Giant doesn't know shit about the Lord of The Rings. If her "fake geek"ness is helping generate more movies and more content for fans..WHY DOES IT MATTER? Who cares if someone is "not a real nerd". We should be embracing and welcoming them to a better way of life. Creativity, dreaming, lack of religion (is disturbing...hee hee) these are things MORE people should experience, not less. Imagine if the human who invented LANGUAGE decided only those he deemed truly progressive as being allowed to learn it. Yep, sounds as stupid as a bunch of whining nerds being caustic about Comic Con not being the way it used to be. If you want things to remain the same, tear down your posters on evolution and go pick a fight with a jock who will beat the living daylights out of you.
It's time to grow and's time to be accepting and kind to those helping fuel the amazing nerd machine pumping out content for us.
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