A friend of mine's niece is currently in the ICU fighting for her life. 15 years old, beautiful, fighting leukemia & the complications that go with it & chemo. Money is something Cancer seems to eat up more than human beings. The next few weeks I am raising money for both Taylor and for my annual YMCA Stair Climb in Downtown LA.

This month, I am helping kids. I watched a documentary called "meet the natives". Native villagers from an Island called Tanna visit the world and try to spread their word of peace. Upon seeing homeless people, they were so confused. In their village, they are socialists. Everyone has the same amount and EVERYONE is fed and housed.They could not understand why a country so RICH would allow others to suffer. It sickened them. I saw them as perfect examples of what Jesus Christ seemed to WANT his followers to do.

Please help me ease the suffering of a family struggling to fight cancer. Forfeit your pack of cigarettes and donate the money instead. Got 1 dollar? Who doesn't have 1 dollar? Please, donate it. Do something you can be proud of today instead of something self serving. If all the dollars add up, it could greatly help a family being drained by chemo treatments & ICU stays.

I have a shoot this weekend and another one in the near future to entice donations for both my YMCA stair climb & young Taylor. If I have to not only donate my own money, but my time&pay a bunch extra to set up these be it. I will not lie on my death bed one day looking back&wondering if I could have done more. I will know...I did everything I could without being an annoying repetitive record.
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