Rights is the most radical social and political idea in human history.
It flies in the face of thousands of years of religious practices and
beliefs! It defies human self-interest, arrogance, cruelty and bigotry.
Animal Rights re-defines what it means to be a human being. It is the
closest people have ever come to being spiritual, caring and
compassionate creatures.

Animal Rights is the most radical social and political idea in human history. It flies in the face of thousands of years of religious practices and beliefs! It defies human self-interest, arrogance, cruelty and bigotry. Animal Rights re-defines what it means to be a human being. It is the closest people have ever come to being spiritual, caring and compassionate creatures.
It is a philosophy more radical than democracy. More radical than ending human slavery! More radical than any religion. More radical than any concept in history.
Animal Rights is the radical notion that animals have as much right to be on this planet as humans have. As much right to live. The rights not to be exploited, enslaved or murdered. The same rights we as humans declare for ourselves.
Having compassion for animals is not the same as supporting animal rights.
Just as having compassion for children is not the same as supporting human rights.
Loving your dog or cat has nothing to do with Animal Rights. Even Hitler loved his German Shepherds. I'm sure people who shoot cows in the head all day long or slit the throats of sheep and pigs have dogs at home who are like family!
To embrace Animal Rights one must reject the notion that animals are property, or that we have the right to exploit or enslave or murder them! This flies in the face of conservative dogma that private property is sacred, the Holy Grail of conservatism.
What changes would be required to achieve our goal?
Nothing less than a quantum shift in law, government, and politics.
For animals' rights to be assured, owning them must be prohibited! Radical changes in government would be required! Governments would have to guard animals' interests even more zealously than peoples' interests! Intentional harm to all animals would be crimes, just like intentional crimes against humans.
It would mean the end of capitalism as we know it. The end of profitting on animal exploitation, suffering and death. The end of animals as food, clothing, testing subjects, and entertainment. No more hunting, rodeos, sea parks, or bullfighting. No cat or dog death camps, no factory farms, slaughterhouses, horse racing, or fur.
In short, we're talking about changing civilization as we know it.
Rather far from our present circumstances. And hardly likely to be embraced by moderates, let alone conservatives - slim chance to say the least. I am not optimistic.
It is a philosophy more radical than democracy. More radical than ending human slavery! More radical than any religion. More radical than any concept in history.
Animal Rights is the radical notion that animals have as much right to be on this planet as humans have. As much right to live. The rights not to be exploited, enslaved or murdered. The same rights we as humans declare for ourselves.
Having compassion for animals is not the same as supporting animal rights.
Just as having compassion for children is not the same as supporting human rights.
Loving your dog or cat has nothing to do with Animal Rights. Even Hitler loved his German Shepherds. I'm sure people who shoot cows in the head all day long or slit the throats of sheep and pigs have dogs at home who are like family!
To embrace Animal Rights one must reject the notion that animals are property, or that we have the right to exploit or enslave or murder them! This flies in the face of conservative dogma that private property is sacred, the Holy Grail of conservatism.
What changes would be required to achieve our goal?
Nothing less than a quantum shift in law, government, and politics.
For animals' rights to be assured, owning them must be prohibited! Radical changes in government would be required! Governments would have to guard animals' interests even more zealously than peoples' interests! Intentional harm to all animals would be crimes, just like intentional crimes against humans.
It would mean the end of capitalism as we know it. The end of profitting on animal exploitation, suffering and death. The end of animals as food, clothing, testing subjects, and entertainment. No more hunting, rodeos, sea parks, or bullfighting. No cat or dog death camps, no factory farms, slaughterhouses, horse racing, or fur.
In short, we're talking about changing civilization as we know it.
Rather far from our present circumstances. And hardly likely to be embraced by moderates, let alone conservatives - slim chance to say the least. I am not optimistic.
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