Disclaimer: This is purely the author's view. Both Coin doesn't agree to or share the author's view.
1) Girls don't want you; They just pretend to want you to get stuff they want from you.

2) The girls who genuinely want you, are too chicken to say it out loud, and when they gather the guts to say it out, you would have already found someone else.
3) Never propose to girls; Either you will be drowned in a sea of tears, or they will start a lecture on the advantages of friendship over a romantic relationship, or they would let loose the very famous, and overly used line, "You are like my brother", Yeah Right!
4) Never trust girls, they break your heart as easily as you break glass, yes, we men (read boys for those below the age of 16) are brittle creatures. For all that we say we are, all it takes is that one word, one look, or(in extreme cases) that one slap, to make us go insane, murder ourselves, get drunk, etc, etc.
5) Think twice before falling irrevocably in love, it would be a serious pain to try to get out of the surge euphoria it generates, even though no solid relationship would have been formed.
General Advice: Don't believe in love at first sight.
Disclaimer: I don't think I can call this a disclaimer, all that I have said above is based mostly on what I have seen and heard, no scientific study or statistical survey or poll has been made to substantiate this. But I must profess what I have said here holds some truth.
Now to all my friends(girls), none of this is aimed at you. I still value you all and your friendship.
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3) Never propose to girls; Either you will be drowned in a sea of tears, or they will start a lecture on the advantages of friendship over a romantic relationship, or they would let loose the very famous, and overly used line, "You are like my brother", Yeah Right!
4) Never trust girls, they break your heart as easily as you break glass, yes, we men (read boys for those below the age of 16) are brittle creatures. For all that we say we are, all it takes is that one word, one look, or(in extreme cases) that one slap, to make us go insane, murder ourselves, get drunk, etc, etc.
5) Think twice before falling irrevocably in love, it would be a serious pain to try to get out of the surge euphoria it generates, even though no solid relationship would have been formed.
General Advice: Don't believe in love at first sight.
Disclaimer: I don't think I can call this a disclaimer, all that I have said above is based mostly on what I have seen and heard, no scientific study or statistical survey or poll has been made to substantiate this. But I must profess what I have said here holds some truth.
Now to all my friends(girls), none of this is aimed at you. I still value you all and your friendship.
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