With more and more teenage girls being sexually active as young as 12 as recent studies show, it has become a disturbing trend both in modern and orthodox cultures across the world.
The main reason why teen pregnancy statistics are on the rise is misinformation about sex and it’s consequences.
Pressure from boyfriends, unprotected sex and lack of attention from parents too contribute to the spate of teen pregnancy.
Here are some general facts of teen pregnancy:
1. Parenthood is the leading reason why teen girls drop out of school. More than half of teen mothers never finish high school.
2. Less than 2 percent of teen moms earn a college degree by age 30.
3. A sexually active teen who doesn’t use contraceptives have a 90% chance of becoming pregnant within a year.
4. Almost 50% of teens have never considered how a pregnancy would affect their lives.
Of course the above facts are variable depending on individual sentience, environment and support in terms of healthcare, welfare among others.
In recent times, The Malaysian National Service Training Department (The Malaysians National Service conscripts 18 years old Malaysians to undergo military training) spoke to the Malaysian Defense Ministry on the possibility of compelling female trainees to undergo pregnancy tests before participating in the Malaysian National Service Training Program. It is a counter back reaction after 6 pregnant teens gave birth in camp.
Dr Malar Velli Segarmurthy, a Medical Officer who deals with teen pregnancy says that the average age of pregnant teens she came across are 15 to 19.
When asked if the girls are aware of their pregnancy, Dr Malar has this to say, “Mostly yes and some are incidental findings.” She further elaborated that some girls only found out that they are pregnant when labor kicked in. She stated two such cases where two girls who came to the hospital complaining of abdominal pains, not knowing that they are heavily pregnant. Both girls were quite obese with a history of irregular menstrual cycle and upon questioning, they cited the former conditions as the reason why they didn't know they have conceived. When asked whether they didn't feel the foetus’ movements inside, they said that they thought that it was gas.
Dr Malar says the attitude of the teens on their pregnancy ranges from laidback, cool, surprised and in denial. End of the day though, most of them are just glad that their parents agree to raise their child.
When enquired what if the parents don’t accept the child and the query of where would the young mother and her baby go , Dr Malar explains that there is a standard procedure for cases like this. For every premarital conception, a social welfare referal would be done. If there are no caretakers for the baby, the social welfare department will arrange placement and put the baby up for adoption.
Dr Malar also added that pregnancy below the age of 18 has a higher risk for maternal and child mortality, increased risk of post partum bleeding, depression, higher rates of eclampsia, higher incidence of low birth weight, premature birth and sometimes when delayed abortion is attempted, it can result in congenital problems. In some cases, sexually transmitted diseases can trigger mother to child transmission when they have delivery done in the hands of local midwives. Non sterile procedures can increase the risk of infection harming both mother and baby.
Other implications are contained in social issues, like the discontinuation of education, improper child care and non sustainable economy status due to unemployment and so forth.
When questioned about the marital status of those pregnant teens, Dr Malar says that 98% percent of such girls are unmarried which is very disheartening.
Dr Malar said further that most of the boyfriends of these pregnant teens shirk their responsibilities as fathers. They would fight and request for DNA tests among others and then leave their girlfriends who gave birth to their child in a lurch while some marry the girl afterwards.
In conclusion, teen pregnancy is not advisable because it takes a toll of a girl’s life in many undesirable ways. Safe sex is advised coupled by complete knowledge of what sex will lead to if indulged in carelessly.
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