Asians, particularly women, are obsessed with fair skin and will go to any lengths to attain it. That entrenched fetish is giving rise to a multitude of skin whitening beauty products and bleaching procedures guaranteed to give porcelain white skin.
While tanned skin is coveted by Westerners, Asians covet lighter skin color hue and the craze has taken a new dimension in recent years and it is spreading like a pandemic.
Now, it is not enough to have a white facial skin tone; more and more women want to be ‘white’ in the nether region as well and the demand is increasing as we speak.  In women’s search for perfection, they are now going to salons to have their vaginas bleached.
Just to show how mainstream this has become, there is an ad from India for a vaginal bleaching product. It is all about giving the vagina a ‘facelift’.
Not enough with the removal of hair from the bikini line, vaginoplasty (plumping the labia majora, or outer lips, and trimming the labia minora, also called inner lips), vaginal tightening (strengthening the tissue of the vagina), clitoralplasty (snipping off the excess skin of the clitoris), hymenoplasty (restoring the hymen), and G-spot rejuvenation (making the G-spot more prominent) are also in demand and the pertaining service supply is increasing accordingly. Now, vagina whitening has jumped into the bandwagon.
When the question of what is an attractive vagina was posed to Dr Alice Prethima, an aesthetic physician from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, says that an attractive vagina is tight and light-skinned with symmetrical inner labia sheared to tiny strips of skin that cannot be seen while standing.
Dr Alice also beams that this branch of medicine has become a multi million dollar industry and more and more middle class women are having their vagina bleached like they would their face.
Women who underwent this makeover swear that fairer and neater vaginas boost their self confidence and sexual gratification and that it is money worth spent. 
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