It's a known fact the Muslim women are stipulated by religion to wear the hijab. On why Allah, or rather, Prophet Muhammad issued this injunction is not known to many.
Well, first of all, let's see what Muslim women are allowed by Islam to expose and the restriction varies from the intensity of Islamic radicalism and fanaticism.

In some countries, only the face, hands and the feet of Muslim women are allowed to be seen by public. Yet some cover their faces and the whole body by a garb known as burqa, seen in Afghanistan women. In some Taliban ruled places, not wearing the hijab is punishable by death. Still, there are Pakistani and Arabic women who are in the entertainment business who renounce this in question Muslim women attribute.

I live in an Islamic country and I have Muslim female friends who either wear the hijab or ditch the piece of cloth. Once, I asked, my hijab wearing Muslim girlfriend regarding this and she told me that Allah won't bless those women who don't close their 'aurat', meaning the body parts that a Muslim woman is imposed to cover. She also told me that for every strand of hair a woman exposes, she will be whipped in hell, one stroke for one stroke of hair exposed to non-Muhrims (unknown men and men outside family) in afterlife. 

I did some research and found out that in Islam women must cover their aurat and should not wear make up publicly to avoid being sexually harassed or raped. The only place a woman should expose her aurat is before her husband for reasons I know you can guess.

Are Muslim men that weak? Unable to control an erection at the sight of a woman or a girl child for that matter. Note Aisyah and countless other Muslim child brides.

Princess Amira of Saudi doesn't seem to worry that she will be whipped for every strand of hair she exposes. Seen here below, her husband seems to wear the hijab for her and she is dressed like Kate Middleton or Ivanka Trump as a matter of fact.

So, why such discrepancy? It is to keep women subjugated to satisfy the Muslim male ego; lest a woman gets educated, she will be a threat to such patriarchal customs in the name of righteous religion and godly establishments. 

The Saudi royalty, Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi lots are progressive; not to mention Queen Rania of Jordan (I admire that lady) Taliban's influence failed to penetrate these areas; at least to the upper class. And, the upper class is well educated in Western educational systems while Malala was shot in the head for being outspoken on girls' education. Oh, the irony of it.

Afghanistan and Iran were highly progressive in the 60s and 70s and everyone knows how both countries are faring now in terms of women's rights and even human rights.

Like how the advancing Islamic civilization was decimated in Cordova, Spain in ancient times by a religious zealot, putting a stop to all scientific and mathematical achievements, Taliban is extending it today and they know that if they cripple women, they cripple the society and their propagating of extremism would be facilitated further.
Princess Amira of Saudi
Putting a stop to education means blocking knowledge from the rest of the world and the hijab is just another way to shut out information in the disguise of goodness of religion. Where women liberation is forbidden, that's where a society fails to progress.


I have been struggling for YEARS to quit smoking. Somehow, there is ALWAYS an excuse as to why it is ok for me to light up. It's a night out, I'm wasted, it's a holiday, I am super stressed. The list goes on and on.
Well, I am sick of this shit! I quit heroin and cocaine, but I can't kick cigarettes? I am done. I don't want cancer, I am tired of feeling the pain in my lungs when I run my 3miles a day, and I do NOT want to smoke something that doesn't even get me buzzed! The past few days my teeth have been clenched. My jaw so tight that it is actually sore. Now that I got sick with a cough (which gets REALLY bad since I almost died of pneumonia in Russia) I have no excuses.My body is going through the shock of TOTAL denial.

Join me, fellow smokers. Stop doing something that may come back to kill you in the most inhumane way you can imagine. All this bullshit on marijuana needing to be illegal. The fact that cigarettes ARE legal...and their smoke kills not only the smoker, but those around them...makes me almost laugh in the face of anti pot peeps.
I bought disposable electronic cigarettes for when I just cant take the nicotine withdrawals anymore. It actually DOES help. Hoping that by the beginning of the new year, I can claim to be 100% smoke free. I KNOW I might stumble here and there. I certainly did with heroin. I just have to try to take this hour by hour..


DISCLAIMER:: I haven't had the pleasure of living next to radical Muslims.....but something tells me I wouldn't live to tell the tale :P
Before you get your panties in a bunch, I was married to a Jewish man and was with him for 7 years. One of my best friends is a Jew in an eye patch! I have been to Passover dinners, and have never thought of Jewish people as anything other than good people who believe in a faith I do not. This ain't about faith; it's about crazy CULTISTS.

However, Hasidic Orthodox Jewish peeps are a TOTALLY different story. I live in an area densely populated by Orthodox people. They  dress like pilgrim/Amish people. I always found them fascinating until recently. The men walk down the street after temple literally shoulder to shoulder, forcing ME to have to step onto one of Los Angeles' busiest roads. MEN, pushing a woman into rush hour traffic. Where's chivalry? I say "excuse me" to them, they say nothing. They wont even look at my face. I was literally ran off the sidewalk by a gang of Orthodox Jewish men who wouldn't even let me walk side by side with my date because apparently, they own the sidewalk. (there was plenty of room for them to give some space to a lady) Yet, these same people make women enter in a "special door" cause women are not good enough, make them cover their hair and the women are NOT allowed to speak to any other man outside of husband and family. Great, you treat your wives worse than you do a doormat.

They block streets with their cars, won't move, and won't even acknowledge me when I politely ask if they can move their vehicle so I can park at my house. They block me from my driveway for up top 10 minutes. I have even started laying on the horn...once I did for OVER 1 minute, and they made a point to stay there longer.

My Jewish friends say that this radical cult of Jewish people hate ALL THE REST of the people who believe in Judaism Wow. In fact, my Jewish friends have informed me that this cult sees anyone else who is NOT of their faith (the cultist faith, they hate regular Jewish peeps for not being as psycho as they are) as sinning worthless people, while they are the "chosen ones".

I retract my statements that their hats were funny and cool - they are not. They are the rudest human beings I have ever had the displeasure of knowing outside of psycho cultist born again Christians.
Where in either of these religions does it teach the people to be so vile to the rest of mankind? Where in the Torah?
All you religions who think you are better than everyone? Better at what? Being a rude classless misogynists? Congrats, I award the Orthodox Jewish faith and Born Again Christians w/the "LEAST LIKELY TO ENTER HEAVEN" award! You certainly earned it! There is no difference in your self-serving ways besides your clothes.


We are human beings. We like to claim that we are evolved past all species on the planet. We brag and gloat over that fact. Yet, everywhere I look, I see apes. Apes do not think before they do things. I have seen a Monkey eat a turd straight out of his posterior. He did not seem to enjoy it, yet he did it. Why? The monkey was void of logic or reason. He is the lesser species.
I watch human beings do things such stupid acts DAILY. I watch people cheat on their mates and literally almost die of shock that there are repercussions to the said actions. Families broken, dreams shattered, and they question "why?". I see women talk shit about someone they claim to be a best friend only to later regret it. I see men plow through women like they are useless and disposable. I watch people texting on a cellphone walk directly in the street. They simply TRUST that other people will brake for them. They never bother to ensure they are safe at all. Why? Cause they are a monkey. And a monkey doesn't think. A monkey will eat it's own turds straight out of it's ass.

People try to excuse ape-like behavior they display by blaming it on some weakness. "My wife/husband doesn't want me anymore.", "I only said that about her to impress those people." ,"I never lie to the women I burn through." , "I just trust people I call stupid and useless every day to pay attention and brake for me,cause that is what they should do.".

We use the excuse of being weak to act like apes. We are smart enough, evolved enough to know we should not ACT like apes. However, we rationalize and excuse allowing ourselves to act like primates knowingly. We act as weak as a monkey eating it's own poop and we excuse it with saying "I'm only human".
No. I see weak apes. Weak apes as far as the eye can see.

And a few cave men....at least SOME of us are thinking.

Welcome to our evolution or devolution rather.


We have all heard the sayings...

“I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
“You think I'm a fool?" demanded Harry."No, I think you're like James," said Lupin, "who would have regarded it as the height of dishonor to mistrust his friends.” ― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

"Trust takes years to build...and seconds to destroy"

"Trust is like a broken vase...you can glue it back together, but it will never be the same."
"Nothing hurts more than being disappointed by the one person you never thought would never hurt you."
“I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.”

How many times in our lives have we felt betrayed by our closest and dearest? How many times have our hearts ached at the thought that our friends didn't even think of us in any way when they made a decision that hurt demolished our hearts? Can old dogs learn new tricks? Do we allow ourselves to trust again? Is it even possible to try?

I think a huge step in rebuilding trust is that the offending party has to be ready and willing to suffer the aftermath of what they did. If you betray your buddy and crush her heart, you bet your ASS she is going to have to talk about it...a LOT. Do NOT take this from the person you've offended. Even if you are sick of hearing about it...blame yourself for having to. You wouldn't at all had you not burned them. Now, they can't be violent or psycho about it., but it is expected that a hurt person expresses just that....their hurt.

Does the offending party have a history of being dishonest and hurtful towards others? If so, this person is going to have to prove their worth to you through consistent behavior. This doesn't mean a month, sometimes, it can take years. I had my best friend in life betray me in my teen years. The angst and hurt I felt at losing her and our group of friends (they sided with her, she was more popular) was devastating. I started using drugs heavily and strayed off my path. It was a time I needed friends the MOST (I was raped). When she came back into my lifer a few years ago, I held her at arms length. Unfortunately, It doesn't look like I will ever be able to develop anything outside of being acquaintances.

As for lovers, I have a LONG list of past betrayals. Things that rocked my world, changed my life path, made me feel insecure in myself, etc. I have never had much success in rebuilding trust in relationships, so I can't speak on it. Lies, for me, purposeful deception, is a HUGE No No in my book. It means you MEANT to lie to me...and I can have a hard time seeing why someone like that is in my life.
So, what do YOU guys think? Can trust be rebuilt between friends...lovers? How many offenses is too much? Does the duration of the lie or the hidden secret come into play? 


I am noticing an alarming amount of Indian teens looking to their Facebook pages for acceptance and fandom and all of it comes off as attention seeking as well as plainly stupid. But, for such kids, this is swag yo! From posting countless "self taken" pics, to their tags, and weird, protracted names like LovelyGurl Shamia, ImmaHotKambethuPonnuShalni, SwagPaiyanSharan, HemaSquirrelPantz, etc (end of MY thinking capacity and only the beginning of their thinking capacity), owntage, and writing wrong English, this has became a Facebook phenomenon.
Now, let me analyse this phenomenon step by step.

First, the selfies. I did not own a phone until I went to university. Although my parents could afford it, they thought I didn't need a phone because I was under their roost. Nowadays parents buy their kids smartphones and some teens use their smartphones stupidly, snapping endless selfies, duckface, poutface as well as exposing photos. Then they have this ownz and owntage thingy going on. They ask who would like to own their pictures and those who would like to own would comment. These teens also have insane numbers of Facebook friends and family members won't be on their list for obvious reasons.

Next, the names; the real names of these kids are anybody's guess what more their father's name and initials. But, I must say that creativity is in full swing when the kids name themselves.

Then comes in the way they write English. You is youh and those words which ends with g, they replace the g with q, for example, swag becomes swaq. And they alternate capital letters with small letters. For example, updating statuses like 'CaN't TaKe It AnYmOrE, ThE WoRld Is So CrUeL..' (It took me 5 minutes to write that) and the ensuing comments would be typed in the same way. Still, some write without putting fullstop. Trust me it needs a superpower to write like that.

And then, there are love professions by these kids; puppy love taken on extreme level. Exchanging rings, putting names like 'ImmaHisgulfie' and 'He'sMaBoyfie' and all sorts of crazy stuff. And, they upload pics of themselves changing rings with their boyfriends and have hundreds of likes and comments from their equally crazed friends. Whether the relationship would lead to adulthood marriage, well, your guess is as good as mine.

On why this is happening on Facebook is because the apathy on behalf of the parents. My niece is into this fad and her mother never bothers about it and since it is like that, I don't too; I'm just an aunt. And, blind trust parents have on their teen kids and these teens' effective acting only foster this trend and more and more teens are getting into this as we speak. At home, they will be goody two shoes and turn otherwise outside and especially in Facebook and if someone whistle blows their children's disgraceful activities on Facebook to their parents, they simply refuse to believe and deny to the hilt and hold their ground that their kids are angels descended from heaven. I am not making this up. It is happening in my family and almost all my family members are oblivious to it and I'm powerless to stop it because of the alibi the parent, in this case, my sister, grant her teen kid who is barely 14.
I just hope that these kids don't get off track and become the dregs of society later on.


When Halle Berry and Denzel Washington won the best-acting Oscar categories and Sidney Poitier was honored with a lifetime achievement award in 2002, the night was a watershed for black actors in Hollywood.
Since then, the debate about Hollywood diversity among the African American community has continued to ebb and flow, but one fact remains constant - nearly all black actors are still only being recognized by the Academy Awards for playing specifically black characters in film.

Four movies from 2013 have served to animate that conversation during Hollywood's awards season: "12 Years A Slave," "Lee Daniels' The Butler," "Fruitvale Station" and "Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom." Only the first, Steve McQueen's historical drama, made it to the Oscars.

This year, three black actors will be vying for Oscars at the March 2 ceremony, and if "12 Years a Slave" wins best picture, it will be the first film by a black director to do so.

But, as black films and actors are being celebrated by Hollywood, there is no clear indication that the industry has turned the corner on increasing roles not based on race.

That could be partly explained by the under-representation of black talent in senior positions in film studios and among the 6,000-plus members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, who vote for the Oscars.

Seven of the nine best-picture nominees in contention for an Oscar this year, including large ensemble casts in "American Hustle" and "The Wolf of Wall Street," do not have any black actors in leading or supporting roles.

The two films that do, "Captain Phillips" and "12 Years a Slave," have landed acting nods for stars Chiwetel Ejiofor, who is up for best actor, and Lupita Nyong'o and Barkhad Abdi in the supporting categories.

British actor Ejiofor and Kenyan-Mexican actress Nyong'o both play slaves in McQueen's pre-civil-war drama, while Somali-American newcomer Abdi, in his first acting role, portrays a Somali pirate who seizes command of a cargo ship.

More than 50 black actors and actresses have been nominated and won Oscars throughout the history of the Academy Awards. Most have done so for playing specifically black characters, either historical or fictional.

Washington managed to play an alcoholic airplane pilot in "Flight," a role for which he was nominated for best actor in 2013. But that was one of the rare exceptions.

Nearly 75 years ago Hattie McDaniel broke the racial barrier by winning for her supporting performance as the servant Mammy in 1939's "Gone With the Wind."

Twenty-four years later, Sidney Poitier became the first black actor to win best actor for playing an African American worker in 1963's "Lilies of the Field." It took another 38 years for Berry to become the first black best-actress winner for her role as an impoverished mother in the racially charged "Monster's Ball."

Since 2002 about 20 black actors have been nominated across the four categories, mostly for black roles. Some of the wins in this group include Jamie Foxx for his portrayal of singer Ray Charles in the biopic "Ray" and Octavia Spencer for her role as a maid in the civil rights story "The Help."

The year 2011 was particularly dismal for black actors and filmmakers at the Oscars: not one of the nominees among the nine best-picture contenders or four acting categories featured any black talent.

Even so, black actors may be faring better than other black employees behind the camera or in studio offices.

A study of the Academy membership by the Los Angeles Times in 2012 estimated that nearly 94 percent of the 5,765 members at the time were white, while only 2 percent were black. The Academy does not break down its demographic makeup.

In recent years, a film industry catering to black audiences has taken off with releases from prolific filmmaker Tyler Perry and comedies such as "The Best Man Holiday" and this year's rom-com "About Last Night." A-list actors such as Berry, Washington, Viola Davis and Will Smith have also found roles in action and big-budget blockbusters for diverse audiences.

But black filmmakers, including those with previous Oscar success, often still face challenges with Hollywood studios.

Daniels, who made 2009's Oscar-winnning "Precious," said he was unable to convince studios to finance last year's historical film "The Butler," featuring an ensemble cast of respected black actors including Forest Whitaker and Oprah Winfrey.

"When I did 'Precious,' every studio told me that no one wanted to see that film," said Daniels; he was "back to square one" with "The Butler."

The film was eventually distributed by the Weinstein Co and earned Screen Actors Guild nominations, but was shut out of the Golden Globes and Oscars. It did better at the box office, grossing $167 million worldwide.
"Once (the studios) stop underestimating us, or we find African Americans or blacks in powerful positions that can greenlight (films)," said Daniels, "then there'll no longer be a problem."


I have always seen theists demand respect and space from atheists should a contention or a Facebook post regarding theism crop up.
I don't know why theists make it a point to ascertain atheists respect religions when they defile atheism in a flagrant fashion. I assume maybe that God is so weak, he needs his worshipers to support him. Else, the celestial heavens will crumble.

The only way to make sense out of this is putting forth the fact that theists have an emotional attachment with god and religion. Keyword: LOVE. In relation with that, let's correlate that theists give god parental status. After all, in Hinduism, there is a line that sounds like this:

Maatha (mother), pitha (father), guru (teacher/guru), deivam (god).

The gist of the list above is that one should revere and pay obeisance in the descending order. Mother first, god 4th and last on the list. So, God is an entity that needs to be loved and it won't be wrong to say theists indulge in it.

So, like how one gets offended when someone belittle his/her parents, theists get offended at the slightest blasphemy. It won't be wrong to say that the terms 'blasphemy' and 'sacrilege' were coined out of overflowing love over God.

Atheists can be likened to orphans - they don't have a parental (God) attachment. So if theists mock atheists for being orphans, and at the same time demand that they respect their parents (God) it rubs off as bullying illogically.

As orphans, atheists are more hardy and sturdy than theists as well as more cynicism resistant while atheists be insecure, paranoid weaklings. 

Atheists being stoic and tough does not mean they are impervious to love - atheists love and celebrate life.

Love is inherent in humans; the ability to hate and discriminate is taught - it is not innate.
If theists say that atheists need to respect God then theists should respect the godlessness of atheism.

It works both ways buddy. Wink, wink..


There was a group of women gathered at a seminar on how to live in a loving relationship with your husband.
The women were asked, 'How many of you love your husbands?'

All the women raised their hands.

Then they were asked, 'When was the last time you told your husband you loved him?'

Some women answered today, some yesterday, some didn't remember..

The women were then told to take their cell phones and send the following text to their respective husband: I love you, sweetheart.

Then the women were told to exchange phones and read the responding text messages.

Here are some of the replies from the women's respective husbands:

1. Eh, mother of my children, are you sick?

2. What now? Did you crash the car again?

3. I don't understand what you mean?

4. What did you do now? I won't forgive you this time!!!

5. ?!?

6. Don't beat about the bush, just tell me how much you need?

7. Am I dreaming? ???????

8. If you don't tell me who this message is actually for, you will die today...!!!

9. I asked you not to drink anymore!!

and the best one
10. Who is this?


I know that a Teacher is different from a Guru, but never knew that they are different in so many ways.
I know "All Gurus are Teachers; But all teachers are not Gurus".
If you get not only a Guru but also a "Satguru", you are the most blessed one.

A teacher takes responsibility of your growth

A Guru makes you responsible for your growth.

A teacher gives you things you do not have and require

A Guru takes away things you have and do not require.

A teacher answers your questions

A Guru questions your answer

A teacher helps you get out of the maze

A Guru destroys your maze

A teacher requires obedience and discipline from the pupil

A Guru requires trust and humility from the pupil

A teacher clothes you and prepares you for the outer journey

A Guru strips you naked and prepares you for the inner journey

A teacher is a guide on the path

A Guru is the pointer to the way

A teacher sends you on the road to success

A Guru sends you on the road to freedom

When the course is over you are thankful to the teacher

When the discourse is over you are grateful to the Guru

A teacher explains the world and its nature to you

A Guru explains yourself and your nature to you

A teacher makes you understand how to move about in the world

A Guru shows you where you stand in relation to the world
A teacher gives you knowledge and boosts your ego

A Guru takes away your knowledge and punctures your ego


This is a satire.

You can take an Indian out of India but not India out of an Indian and what sets Indians apart is our distinct 'head shaking' that boggles non Indians.
My Chemistry teacher, Mrs Chan (pseudonym) is a Chinese and whenever she asks us, her of Indian descent students, questions, especially me, I'd shake my head so Indian-ish, she doesn't understand whether I understood her question or not. And, I sometimes, I understand her question and sometimes I don't and when I don't, I shake my head in every direction that it makes my poor teacher dizzy. Nonetheless, by some miracle, I passed in my Chemistry subject thanks to the Indian idiosyncrasy.

Shaking heads and Indians are inseparable and I'm not talking head banging /m\. I am talking about the Indian way of communicating by head movements and this will be helpful to non Indians who have to deal with Indians on a daily basis.

Here goes:

Shaking the head up and down several times means YES, an APPROVAL

Shaking the head from left to right several times means NO, a DISSAPROVAL

Shaking the head anyhow means, MAYBE, MAYBE NOT, I KNOW, BUT I DON'T KNOW, I UNDERSTAND, BUT I DON'T UNDERSTAND, YEAH BABY, I AM CONFUSED and ANYTHING WILL DO. Mostly, it is done to confuse people, esp non Indians like I did to my Chinese Chemistry teacher.

A quick single nod and a quick blink means he/she is calling you.

A quick single head jerk upwards with eyebrows raised means, "What's up?" This head movement is also used by guys to hit on girls and the probability to be hit back by a slap is high.

A wink along with a sidelong head jerk means, "Carry on."

A wink with a sidelong jerk and head nodding from side to side means, "Hey dude, that girl is hot no?" or, "Booze tonight? Count me in." This one is exclusively for guys.

A cringe, followed by a quick flurry of the head moving from left to right and ending with shrugged shoulders ranges from meaning, PATHETIC, YUCK, ACUTE DISLIKE and NAUSEA. This movement is exclusively for girls.

Have you ever seen Indian classical dances like Bharathanatyam, Kathak or Odissi? Head movements are liberally incorporated.

Have you ever seen an Indian sing or listening to songs? Their heads become vibrators and this is especially true and glaring in Indian classical singers. Their head movements tally with the vocals and pitch - if it's a high pitch note, the Indian would raise his head upwards, mouth agape and otherwise for low pitch and as for all the vocals in between, the head goes into paroxysms of twitches and jerks at all directions. For those unfamiliar with this sight would think that the singer is having a seizure attack while singing.
Oh well, we just happen to be an expressive bunch of people - we are born and cultured this way and we won't change it for the world. 

P/S:  Mrs Chan, thank you for being so gracious.


Indian inventions and discoveries have been instrumental in shaping the face of the current modern world. Here are 20 such interesting findings out of a whole bunch that will make you go, “I didn’t know that”.
1. Buttons
Buttons were first used in Mohenjo-daro for ornamental purpose rather than for fastening. They were first used in the Indus Valley Civilization by 2000 BCE.

2. Chess
Chess developed out of Chaturanga, which is an ancient strategy board game developed during the Gupta Empire in India around the 6th century AD. Now you know why Vishwanathan Anand is such a pro, rag rag me is tarah… ;)

3. Prefabricated home and movable structure
In 16th century Mughal India, during the reign of Akbar, the first prefabricated & movable structures were invented.

4. Ruler
Rulers were first used by the Indus Valley Civilization prior to 1500 BCE. Made of ivory, the rulers found during excavation, reveal the amazing accuracy of decimal subdivisions on it.

5. Shampoo
The word ‘Shampoo’ is derived from chāmpo (चाँपो). It was initially used as a head massage oil for the Nawabs of Bengal during the Mughal Empire around 1762. It evolved into shampoo over the years.

6. Snakes and Ladders
The game, Snakes & Ladders,  was invented in India as a game of morals. Later it spread to England and eventually introduced in the USA by game pioneer Milton Bradley in 1943.

Generic Indian Guy - indians did everything first

7. Cotton cultivation (India practically clothed the world!)
The ancient Greeks used to wear animal skins and were not even aware of cotton. But Indians were sort of cool ;) and started cultivating cotton during the 5th – 4th millennium BCE in the Indus Valley Civilization. The word spread to the Mediterranean and beyond and soon everyone was ordering one from Flipkart. Well, pretty much.

8. Fibonacci Numbers
The Fibonacci numbers were first described by Virahanka, Gopala  and Hemachandra as an outgrowth of earlier writings by Pingala.

9. Decimal System, Quadratic formula and Zero!
It was in 7th century CE when Brahmagupta found the first general formula for solving quadratic equations. The decimal system (or the Hindu number system), which was a precursor of the Arabic numeric system, was developed in India between the 1st and 6th centuries CE.

10. Suits Game
The popular game of cards originated from India & was known as Krida-patram (which literally means “painted rags for playing”).

11. Cataract Surgery
Indian physician Sushruta (6th century BCE) had the knowledge of performing cataract surgery. It spread to China from India. Greek scientists would visit India to get operations done and also to learn the nitty-gritties.

12. Diamond Mining
Worldwide, India was the only source of diamonds until the discovery of mines in Brazil in the 18th century. Almost 5000 years ago, diamonds were first recognized and mined in central India.

13. Water on Moon
ISRO’s Chandrayaan-1 made the startling discovery that our moon is not a dry ball of rocks. The discovery of lunar water is attributed to the Chandrayaan mission.

14.  Radio/Wireless communication
We all know that Marconi received a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1909 for contribution to the development of wireless telegraphy. But the first public demonstration of radio waves for communication was made by Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose in 1895, two years prior to Marconi’s similar demonstration in England. Sir Bose was posthumously credited (more than a century later) for his achievement. The fact remains that this discovery truly shaped the face of modern wireless communication.

15. Flush Toilets
Flush toilets were first used in the Indus Valley Civilization. These existed in most homes and were connected to a sophisticated sewage mechanism. The civilization was prominent in hydraulic engineering.


16. Binary Code
Binary numbers were first described by Pingala (c. 200 BC). Pingala is the traditional name of the author of the Chandaḥśāstra, the earliest known Sanskrit treatise on prosody.

17. Ink
Many ancient cultures and civilizations independently discovered and prepared ink for writing purposes. The source of carbon pigment used in Indian Ink (called musi) used in ancient India, was India. Since 4th century BC, the practice of writing with ink with a sharp pointed needle was common in South India.

18. Steel & Metal works
Ancient Indians were pioneers in metallurgy. High quality steel was produced, almost two thousand years before it was understood by the West. One of the most remarkable feat in metallurgy: creating a seamless celestial globe, was invented in Kashmir. It was earlier considered impossible to create a metal globe without seams. So thanks to India, Iron Man can wear his suit now.

19. Fiber Optics
Named as one of the 7 ‘Unsung Heroes’ by Fortune Magazine, Dr. Narinder Singh Kapany, is widely recognized as the ‘Father of Fiber Optics’ for his pioneering work in Fiber Optics technology. Watch him speak eloquently on his entrepreneurial journey.

20. Plastic Surgery
Yes, you heard it right. Indians were pioneers in Plastic Surgery too. It was carried out in India as early as 2000 BCE.
So, India has always been a cool country. History is testimony to it. So what’s stopping you from being innovative? Go, win the world.

Also read:The glory of India


It’s January and for most of us, hunting season is over. This is a great time of year to reflect back over our season. Would you describe your season as a success or as a failure? Did you get what you went hunting for or did you sit in a tree stand ignored by all the creatures? Now, let’s take the opportunity to use your hunting season as a example of a great lesson in human relationships.
As we have seen over past weeks, we are all created with a God-given need to be loved. Our Abba Father has given us this Zoe life, which brings with it His unconditional love. That need of ours to be loved has been met!

So, what will dictate my behavior is not whether I am loved or not, because I am, but whether I believe the reality that I am loved unconditional by Him. If I don't know this to be true, or if I don’t believe it, or when I forget it - the only reasonable thing for me to do is feebly try to somehow get the need met.

We all have heard the phrase "looking' for love in all the wrong places"- well, I'm here to say that any place you're looking' for love other than Abba is the wrong place! When we do that, for many of us it looks like hunting. We get the right equipment, go to the right spot, we don't smell bad, we don't make scary noises, and off we go looking for that trophy!

Now, I don't know about you, but in my world growing up, that looked like having my hair look good, nice clothes, and a cool car - you get the picture. Then off we go hunting for the prettiest girl, who, if she would just say yes to me, would make me feel loved and important. I would take her to dinner, open doors for her, be a gentleman, all to win her approval. I would do all this and more because I was certain, deep down, that if I didn't perform in these ways, she wouldn't love me. I was giving her at least the majority of the ballots and whichever way she voted determined my value.

Needless to say, this approach is full of problems. Let's look at a few; first, if she didn't respond in a favorable way, I was crushed and more convinced than ever I was unacceptable. Second, I would be angry at her, because I had done my part, and third, if she did respond favorably and whispered, “I love you”, it was never really satisfying, because deep down I knew that I had earned her love. After all, if I hadn't done all those nice things for her, she wouldn't have loved me. And last, tomorrow and the next day and the next day, I would need to earn her love all over again.

Now to sum this all up, let's say two things; one about me and one about the girl. Our Creator God has created me in such a way that it is impossible for me to be fully satisfied with any love other than His - I simply cannot get there. Now about her; God says, He alone is God, which means she is not. In other words, she cannot give me life or unconditional love, which by definition, makes her a pretty lousy god.

This is all to say I wasted a lot of time and effort hunting for, searching for, trying to earn love that had already been given to me by Abba Father. When it comes to unconditional love, let's declare that hunting season be over forever and thank Him for His gift of love each day.


A Muslim consumer group said that the wearing of pure silk cloths is forbidden among Muslim men. It is not only forbidden but is also a sign of Islam’s apocalypse, a prophetic revelation on the end of days.
The Muslim group said many Muslims here are unaware of this fact, which it said is enshrined in several hadiths, also known as the collection of words and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad.

“Prophet Muhammad has said that Muslim men cannot wear silk and gold.

“Hadiths also state that one of the signs of the apocalypse is when pure silk is being worn, and that there is no awareness about this,” the group's president stressed.

The group further said that pure silk cannot be the way to go for Muslim men and suggested that alternatives to the material be used instead.

When asked to explain how the group might make non-Muslims understand the reasoning behind the banning of pure silk for Muslim men, the group's president, Sheikh Abd Kareem said it was unnecessary.

“When the Prophet says it is forbidden, that means it is forbidden, we listen and abide by it.

“Logic is a (part of human) desire,” he added, saying that when it came to Islam one should not demand a reasoning or explanation on a matter.
But, there is no problems in using silk mixed with other materials such as linen and cotton as there was no hadith which forbade this.


Miss America was crowned and I was happy to see someone who wasn't your cookie cutter Ohio blonde become Miss America.  Everyone is up in arms because she is of Indian Heritage. They claim she needs to go back to India because this is MISS AMERICA. Wtf? The broad from that show "The Talk" admits to having plastic surgery to look less Chinese, and everyone jumps on her ass for not embracing her heritage. Anyone else see the double standard here?
What the eff is wrong with America?

I was just home in the Midwest and I went out to grab some food and a few drinks. I heard people say "C*ngo" and "nigg*r" MULTIPLE times to describe the black people there. I wasn't hungry anymore, and I poured my drinks down the drain. I have quite a few GOOD friends who are of  African descent. I couldn't believe these people would just assume I was okay with these racist slurs. What was funny, is these people were trying to say that black people were stupid. Yet, all I saw were a bunch of asinine monkeys eating their own shit and squealing around me. Wait a minute, calling racists monkeys is an insult to the monkeys.

Our country is full of bigoted assh*les, and it makes me sick. We are BUILT on immigrants. the Irish, Brits and Scotch were not the only people to migrate here. My entire family came on a boat from Italy and built the railroad from the East coast to the Midwest. They settled because it was backbreaking work. My grandma tells me how she stayed out of the sun to try to look LESS Italian because of how badly she was made fun of.

I can't wait till Aliens attack us. Maybe then we will finally throw this stupidity aside and realize the only thing different about us is the non evolved who are still racist. Ghetto/trash knows no color. I see it everywhere.

And, our common ancestry is Africa, and here we are, creating divisions for ourselves.
I wish late-term abortions were legal. I can think of quite a few people who need to be terminated above the age of 20


I'm all out for LGBT rights. They are humans like any so called 'straight' people and they deserve human rights and to live life like they want.
I have been approached by lesbians and I deal with them no different then how I deal with guys who try to chat me up. It all depends on how I am approached. If I get whistled at and have my physique described aloud in a tacky way, I will give anyone, either hetero or homo what I think of them as a person, not their sexuality.

And, what's up with heteros calling ourselves 'straight'? Perhaps it's a way to 'glorify' ourselves that we are not freaks of nature. But, homosexuality is not nature's aberrant; it's part of nature and, some of us, so called, 'straight people' see it as a birthright to make the lives of those we deem as 'crooked' or 'twisted' as hard as possible and that it is human rights to mock homosexuals.

Most 'straight' people don't know shit about homosexuality and they prefer to be ignorant than Google it up. It is a conscious choice they make. I quote Marie Curie - There is nothing to be feared of, it is only to be understood. Below, homosexuality and transgender are dissected and put simple:

Homosexuality = sexual attraction between the same sex, gay, lesbian.

Transgender = people who have sexual identities that are not clearly male or female and they can undergo sex change surgery and this is caused by hormonal changes.

Homosexuals and transgenders are people like us. They aren't crooked or twisted and neither heterosexuals are straight.

Just like how you feel offended when someone calls you sissy or faggot, it feels the same for a homosexual or a transgender when you call them with condescending slurs.

I recently met with a friend in Facebook whom I couldn't recognize at all. It only came to my mind of the identity of the friend when I was told the friend's previous name. She was female and has been living as a male since we last met.

It was the first time for me dealing with a friend who became a transgender and it's indeed awkward. I didn't pry and he himself said that he had undergone big changes. I know how much courage it takes to tell a friend about such stuff given the largely judgmental society and social stigma so I asked him how's his job going and so on. He didn't voluntarily said about his transformation and I just told him that I'm proud to be his friend and he told me that I made his day.
All it takes is a pinch of kindness and open-mindedness when dealing with aforementioned units in society - they are a part of society, not the dregs of society. The dregs of society are criminals and corrupt leaders so the next time you are tempted to call someone faggot or sissy or dragqueen, No 9, etc, remember that you are behaving against nature and that you are being malicious. DOT.


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