I am noticing an alarming amount of Indian teens looking to their Facebook pages for acceptance and fandom and all of it comes off as attention seeking as well as plainly stupid. But, for such kids, this is swag yo! From posting countless "self taken" pics, to their tags, and weird, protracted names like LovelyGurl Shamia, ImmaHotKambethuPonnuShalni, SwagPaiyanSharan, HemaSquirrelPantz, etc (end of MY thinking capacity and only the beginning of their thinking capacity), owntage, and writing wrong English, this has became a Facebook phenomenon.
Now, let me analyse this phenomenon step by step.

First, the selfies. I did not own a phone until I went to university. Although my parents could afford it, they thought I didn't need a phone because I was under their roost. Nowadays parents buy their kids smartphones and some teens use their smartphones stupidly, snapping endless selfies, duckface, poutface as well as exposing photos. Then they have this ownz and owntage thingy going on. They ask who would like to own their pictures and those who would like to own would comment. These teens also have insane numbers of Facebook friends and family members won't be on their list for obvious reasons.

Next, the names; the real names of these kids are anybody's guess what more their father's name and initials. But, I must say that creativity is in full swing when the kids name themselves.

Then comes in the way they write English. You is youh and those words which ends with g, they replace the g with q, for example, swag becomes swaq. And they alternate capital letters with small letters. For example, updating statuses like 'CaN't TaKe It AnYmOrE, ThE WoRld Is So CrUeL..' (It took me 5 minutes to write that) and the ensuing comments would be typed in the same way. Still, some write without putting fullstop. Trust me it needs a superpower to write like that.

And then, there are love professions by these kids; puppy love taken on extreme level. Exchanging rings, putting names like 'ImmaHisgulfie' and 'He'sMaBoyfie' and all sorts of crazy stuff. And, they upload pics of themselves changing rings with their boyfriends and have hundreds of likes and comments from their equally crazed friends. Whether the relationship would lead to adulthood marriage, well, your guess is as good as mine.

On why this is happening on Facebook is because the apathy on behalf of the parents. My niece is into this fad and her mother never bothers about it and since it is like that, I don't too; I'm just an aunt. And, blind trust parents have on their teen kids and these teens' effective acting only foster this trend and more and more teens are getting into this as we speak. At home, they will be goody two shoes and turn otherwise outside and especially in Facebook and if someone whistle blows their children's disgraceful activities on Facebook to their parents, they simply refuse to believe and deny to the hilt and hold their ground that their kids are angels descended from heaven. I am not making this up. It is happening in my family and almost all my family members are oblivious to it and I'm powerless to stop it because of the alibi the parent, in this case, my sister, grant her teen kid who is barely 14.
I just hope that these kids don't get off track and become the dregs of society later on.
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