1. Sometimes it is best to try to block out your feelings so why not start a new hobby or join a club/group 

2. Delete them from any social websites or from phone contacts.

3. Perhaps try avoiding them for a while. When you don't see somebody for a while, your feelings begin to fade.

4. If you can't avoid them, just think of all the good reasons that you are better without them.

5. You will find someone better. There are plenty more fish in the start looking!

6. Make new friends. Meeting new people is often a good way to take your mind off somebody. You may even fall for someone else.

7. Focus on all the good points in your life. You are very lucky.
8. Concentrate on school/work and other things.

9. Try to arrange a day out with friends or family.

10. Treat yourself to a new bag/clothes/makeup/games etc. Something new and different will lift your spirits.

11. Have a new passion or goal. Whether it's saving the Eco system or making sure you get to a sale bright and early in the morning, you will soon block out your feelings.

12. Listen to music. Music will help you control your feelings. Do NOT listen to love songs! Listen to a song that you can dance to.

13. Go to the gym. When we exercise we release chemicals in our body that make us feel happy.

14. watch a movie either on you own or with family/friends. Preferably one that's a comedy or anything as long as it has nothing to do with romance unless your sure that it won't remind you of your feelings.

15. Do something creative i.e. draw a picture using oil pastels or paint, make jewelry, design a website, design a cartoon slideshow on the fun website "Scratch".

16. Read a book, or a magazine that will cheer you up.

17. Do a good deed. Helping people should make you feel better about yourself.

18. Remember that you have done nothing wrong, they haven't either it just wasn't meant to be.

19. Try to become better friends with some of your acquaintances. It's always nice to have someone there for you, so becoming good friends with a person will make both you and them happy and you may even be friends for years!

20. Maybe write a new song, or write a poem/story.

21. Cut out different body parts of people from a magazine or paper, and put them together to see what you have created! -A good laugh!

22. Write a big list about all the good things and people in your life.

23. Play an old board game, or karaoke.

24. Try out a new look, by using a different type of makeup or getting a different hair cut.


As an atheist, I take great caution in posting and talking about religious views opposing believers' faith as to not to offend them.

I have posted and forwarded several points against religious indoctrination and man, theists, some how, forgetting that they belong to different religions, sects and denominations unite, and object me to severe tirade. Accusations like how can I say that God is a figment of man's imagination and that I am blasphemous are hurled on me.

Truth has only one face; lies have many. If God exists, he won't have many different incomparable entities. The description of god by different religions and civilizations is so contrasting and some times opposed to each other, I wonder are they talking about same entity. After many millenniums, a cocktail of religions got rebranded as Pantheism and even Hinduism, it being the oldest religion of all with no known, distinct founder and believed to exist since time immemorial by outside forces now seems to answer it by saying "all gods are one but with many names, many forms, etc etc etc. This is the checkmate answer against many religions we have today but still it does not prove whether god exists or not.

Theist quarters are the ones who indulge in this preaching of religion into the skulls of atheists and when atheists don't get oblique to their revelation, they get branded as numbskulls and blind. Calling another person blind, be it atheist or theist doesn't make you enlightened.

I'm not averse to religion; I just find it unfitting for me. Spirituality should be a matter of choice, not imposition. 
I come across posts and instances glorifying God all the time but it never offends me whatsoever. When people tell me, "God bless you.", I don't tell them that God doesn't exist and launch a lecture against God and faith in God. I quietly smile and nod obligingly. IRONY.

Why can't theists have the same mindset and tolerance as agnostics and atheists and don't shove religion into their throats? Why does the need to impose that God exists manifests in religion espousing populace? Religion should be an option, not mandatory.

Anyway, the only time when theists belonging to different religions unite is when they confront an atheist and for that, Hoorah for the atheist brethren for uniting religious brethren.

Atheists are not bad news after all..


I am a theist and I believe in God's existence. However, I always thought that one who believe in God or a supreme being should be humble, respectful and could clearly differentiate between preaching and shoving religion down the throat. 

I noticed each religion or sect or belief seemed to have a bunch followers who are convinced that theirs is the true, enlightened path. Thus, everyone else is either lost or is in dire need of guidance or saving from their 'GOD'. Thus, they preach with arrogance and have no qualms whatever in insulting beliefs contradicting to their own, convinced that they have been chosen to advocate on behalf of GOD. Since within theists there exist such problem, then I am not surprised that atheists are not spared at all. 

But, you cannot claim that there is no God. Maybe there is no God with four hands n innumerable eyes. Otherwise you cannot claim that god doesn't exist. Any creation must have a creator; it is impossible for any creation to manifest by itself or create itself. Human creators created the computer and the keyboard you are typing on. Then, there must be someone who created the humans who created the aforementioned gadgets and you, the user of the gadgets.


Hell yeah, going by the creationist logic that every creation must have a creator, who created the creator? Another creator? Have you ever heard about test tube babies, cloning and genetically modified foods, artificial rain, etc? They are created by man's genius known as science. 

In school we are taught about evolution, there are remains of prehistoric creatures like dinosaurs, mammoths and saber toothed tigers which lived millions of years ago and we fill our vehicles' petrol tank with took billions of years to form beneath the earth's crust and in Bible the earth is said to be only several thousand years and that the first man and woman are Adam and Eve. Stupidity is seeing all the lies and still choosing to believe all the lives.

Theism underlines that questioning is blasphemous whereas atheism encourages questioning and critical thinking. 

The clear winner here is atheism. Atheism does lose out to theism in one aspect; atheists don't have God to blame when bad things happen and otherwise. That is a safety blanket for theists not to mention an illusion. 


You feel fat, bloated, and are most likely stopped up with shit(literally). Here is my own quick fix to when I have stuffed my Italian face with FAR too much food....for weeks...or sometimes months :P

Breakfast- 2 Large Bananas 240 calories (bananas increase your body's fat burning by 35%, and fiber is very filling, so you don't get hungry all day) or sometimes 2  hard boiled eggs 140 calories

Lunch- 1 avocado-322 calories 1 bowl of tomato soup-200 calories

Snack- Dill baby pickles 0 calories each

Dinner- Fish, chicken, turkey sausage, etc 315 calories  green beans, spinach, etc 70 calories

Calories total: 1,147

Then I allow myself a few splurges, be it a jagerbomb (sugarfree redbull, of course) a candy bar, etc I try to never exceed over 1900 calories a day when trying to shake off that McDonald's value meal I had topped with a hot fudge sundae....that I purchased every week night...2 weeks in a row.

Once I hit my target weight, I bring my diet back up to a 2,800 calorie a day diet....ONLY because I burn between 800 and 1200 calories daily at the gym. I wear my flexbelt when I am gaming or sitting on my ass, so I'm sure that burns at least 150 calories.

Remember kids, MODERATION! I like to keep Sunday as my "eat what I want" day

Any diet should be discussed with your trainer, doctor, etc. This diet works for ME


Love Is Real—God Is Not

Humans are a species of the animal kingdom.

Love exists as an attribute of many animals—including humans—absent unreal & unnatural god ideas (Any human that thinks love is an attribute only of their own kind has never observed the rest of the animal kingdom closely enough).

Kindness and compassion constitute the foundation of human ethics and morality—absent the “unreal & unnatural god ideas.”

The godless human animal is not immoral for being biologically natural.

Natural biological human needs are not an ethical or moral issue.

Biologically natural humans are inherently good and without guilt.

No unnatural god ideas nor guilt-induced branching suppression of the mutual fulfillment of natural biological human needs.

Unreal & unnatural god myths & ideologies are mentally and physically unhealthy because they prompt humans to try and use unrealistic ideas and unworkable solutions to sustain themselves within reality.

Unnatural god ideas induce dichotomies into the human psyche that result in myriad kinds of mental illness and repeat criminal activity—therefore god believers tend most often to be deluded, perverted, inhumane and even prone to terror.

Godlessness eliminates confusion and promotes clear critical thinking which leads to greater intelligence and sound mental and emotional health in humans—thereby resulting in kinder, gentler, more mature and understanding people.

Intelligent godless humans realize their happy survival depends upon individual choice, mutual respect and cooperation; that abusive force and violence are never acts of love.

Godless human animals realize their companionship with and enjoyment of all other fauna & flora species—and the very survival of all—depends upon naturally nurturing and sustaining their coexistence by conserving & preserving the resources & vitality of the shared natural environment.

Godlessness is wholly realistic and makes complete holistic sense, unlike unreasonable, unkind, archaic and antithetical god ideas that create nothing but chaotic, divisive & destructive global conflicts that always lead to inhumanity & war.

No unreal god ideas no self-centered, self-deluding, self-destructive civilization and planet-threatening ideologies.

No god ideas no greedy, warmongering and bloodthirsty terrorist ideologies-or no gods no gangs or terrorists.

True love—in all its forms and degrees—is where the safety, prosperity, good health and happiness of all is essential to one, many or all others.

There never was a kind "god of love"—no "all-powerful creator." All god fantasies are selfish, domineering, hateful, and cruel like the dupes that imagine them—but ever-evolving infinite existence genuinely exists.

Material existence—human existence and all else of existence—is absolute; the fact of common denominators proves this to be so. Paradoxically, only individual perceptions of concrete material things—living & nonliving—may be deemed subjective.

Abstract philosophies and other ideologies—such as religions—are always subjective with religions frequently being diametrically-opposed to reason.

The "God" idea is a mentally-enslaving proverbial power-gluttonous fish story that is diametrically opposed to nature & true love. Natural love is liberating & perennial.

Lest all perish, do not be a mental slave, a destroyer-type personality or terrorist of any stripe.

Be natural & free. Be self-actualized, loving & creative.  Be human. 

Be free of god myths, free religions prisoners and promote true universal love.

Love has always been real, the god-idea never was.

Love is not about caging a free bird, love is about freeing a caged bird. 

Love Is Real, "God" is Not


Here we are, in the age of the geek/nerd. Everyone is digging all the amazing new comic/sci fi movies hitting, all the amazing video games...comic con has grown into an event bigger than burning man. Yet, there seems to be a problem. Instead of celebrating and embracing all the noobs who are digging our culture, nerds are acting as cliquey and elitist as the jocks who shunned them in school!
I can give three sh*ts if the hot booth babe at gentle Giant doesn't know shit about the Lord of The Rings. If her "fake geek"ness is helping generate more movies and more content for fans..WHY DOES IT MATTER? Who cares if someone is "not a real nerd". We should be embracing and welcoming them to a better way of life. Creativity, dreaming, lack of religion (is disturbing...hee hee) these are things MORE people should experience, not less. Imagine if the human who invented LANGUAGE decided only those he deemed truly progressive as being allowed to learn it. Yep, sounds as stupid as a bunch of whining nerds being caustic about Comic Con not being the way it used to be. If you want things to remain the same, tear down your posters on evolution and go pick a fight with a jock who will beat the living daylights out of you.
It's time to grow and's time to be accepting and kind to those helping fuel the amazing nerd machine pumping out content for us.


A friend of mine's niece is currently in the ICU fighting for her life. 15 years old, beautiful, fighting leukemia & the complications that go with it & chemo. Money is something Cancer seems to eat up more than human beings. The next few weeks I am raising money for both Taylor and for my annual YMCA Stair Climb in Downtown LA.

This month, I am helping kids. I watched a documentary called "meet the natives". Native villagers from an Island called Tanna visit the world and try to spread their word of peace. Upon seeing homeless people, they were so confused. In their village, they are socialists. Everyone has the same amount and EVERYONE is fed and housed.They could not understand why a country so RICH would allow others to suffer. It sickened them. I saw them as perfect examples of what Jesus Christ seemed to WANT his followers to do.

Please help me ease the suffering of a family struggling to fight cancer. Forfeit your pack of cigarettes and donate the money instead. Got 1 dollar? Who doesn't have 1 dollar? Please, donate it. Do something you can be proud of today instead of something self serving. If all the dollars add up, it could greatly help a family being drained by chemo treatments & ICU stays.

I have a shoot this weekend and another one in the near future to entice donations for both my YMCA stair climb & young Taylor. If I have to not only donate my own money, but my time&pay a bunch extra to set up these be it. I will not lie on my death bed one day looking back&wondering if I could have done more. I will know...I did everything I could without being an annoying repetitive record.


Animal Rights is the most radical social and political idea in human history. It flies in the face of thousands of years of religious practices and beliefs! It defies human self-interest, arrogance, cruelty and bigotry. Animal Rights re-defines what it means to be a human being. It is the closest people have ever come to being spiritual, caring and compassionate creatures.
It is a philosophy more radical than democracy. More radical than ending human slavery! More radical than any religion. More radical than any concept in history.

Animal Rights is the radical notion that animals have as much right to be on this planet as humans have. As much right to live. The rights not to be exploited, enslaved or murdered. The same rights we as humans declare for ourselves.

Having compassion for animals is not the same as supporting animal rights. Just as having compassion for children is not the same as supporting human rights.

Loving your dog or cat has nothing to do with Animal Rights. Even Hitler loved his German Shepherds. I'm sure people who shoot cows in the head all day long or slit the throats of sheep and pigs have dogs at home who are like family!

To embrace Animal Rights one must reject the notion that animals are property, or that we have the right to exploit or enslave or murder them! This flies in the face of conservative dogma that private property is sacred, the Holy Grail of conservatism.

What changes would be required to achieve our goal?
Nothing less than a quantum shift in law, government, and politics.

For animals' rights to be assured, owning them must be prohibited! Radical changes in government would be required! Governments would have to guard animals' interests even more zealously than peoples' interests! Intentional harm to all animals would be crimes, just like intentional crimes against humans.

It would mean the end of capitalism as we know it. The end of profitting on animal exploitation, suffering and death. The end of animals as food, clothing, testing subjects, and entertainment. No more hunting, rodeos, sea parks, or bullfighting. No cat or dog death camps, no factory farms, slaughterhouses, horse racing, or fur.

In short, we're talking about changing civilization as we know it.
Rather far from our present circumstances. And hardly likely to be embraced by moderates, let alone conservatives.


What we do as animal rescuers and advocates matters. It matters to the fortunate animals we help. It matters that we save pets from shelters, that we foster the homeless, that we make phone calls and send emails, that we get a friend or family member to go vegan.

But in the scheme of things, we are pissing into the wind. We are trying turn back the tide with tea cups.

Imagine a world in which all of our efforts were successful:
  • Imagine every dog and cat having a home.
  • No more strays, puppy mills or pet shops.
  • Imagine no more death camp "shelters."
  • Imagine the end of the dog meat trade.
  • Imagine no more whaling or sealing. No more dolphins in captivity.
  • Imagine the end of hunting and trapping.
  • Imagine no fur farms, fur stores, and people who wear fur.
  • Imagine the end of circuses, zoo, and rodeos.
  • Imagine no more vivisection and animal testing.
  • Imagine no horse racing, dog racing, dog fighting and bullfighting.
  • Imagine no consumption of bear bile, rhino horn and tiger penises.
  • Imagine no demand for ivory.
If each of us were a hundred activists, we wouldn't see such progress in our lifetimes.

But if we did, can you imagine the world?

It would be a world which is still Hell on Earth for cows, pigs, sheep, goats, chickens, and turkeys. A world which still murders a BILLION animals a week in slaughterhouses!

Clearly, our present course of action won't begin to change the world.

Our mindset and perspective is not focused on the obvious truth:

To win animal rights we must bring down the capitalist system that enslaves them, the governments that enable it and the religions which condone it.
Nothing short of a revolution!

A revolution in thinking.
A revolution in understanding.
A revolution in political action.
And, eventually, a revolution in the streets.


We go about our days, and sleep soundly at night, thinking that all is well in this planet, that slavery has been conquered. We cannot be more wrong. Along with human trafficking and modern day labor bondage, billions of animals are enslaved for the most inhumane intents possible.

Every day I wake with a heavy heart.

Fifty million animals were murdered while I slept.

Another two million were born into slavery while I showered.

A million while I dressed, two million during breakfast.

As I type these words, 500,000 are terrified, waiting in lines to die. Millions more are enroute to slaughterhouses. Feeling, innocent creatures, so afraid of death, waiting to have their throats cut.

Six million die every hour. 24 hours a day. Every day.

The enemies of animals are humans, and the evil things they believe.

Private property! Profit! Business! Freedom to do what you want to animals you own! All are lies told by capitalists. All are designed to make money off the suffering of helpless animal slaves.

And religion condones the cruelty! People believe there is a sky wizard who gave us dominion and control of other creatures. That same sky wizard demanded that animals be killed as sacrifices to himself! It was all written down by goatherders 2,500 years ago, but is still swallowed by most people in the 21st Century!
To win Animal Rights we must defeat the capitalist system that makes it profitable to enslave and murder animals, and we must debunk the ridiculous myths and superstitions which justify human exploitation of our fellow beings.

If one believes absurdities, one can commit atrocities! (Voltaire)


There are no shortages of pundits and prognosticators with opinions on the future of mankind. Most focus on technology and scientific breakthroughs in manufacturing, communications, transportation, and energy production.

I am not a futurist, and have no credentials except those of an historian. My observations and speculations are made from an historical perspective and logically follow from recent and current political, social, and economic trends.

That said, I believe they are as valid as any and more valid than most.

My basic premise is that humanity will act too little and too late to avert the catastrophe of global warming. The usual head-in-the-sand reaction of governments and their leaders is being further exacerbated by capitalists and their climate denying puppets.

Nature will deliver a very severe blow to the human race.

The parade of horribles has been well publicized: melting polar regions, rising ocean levels, inundated coasts, desertification, deforestation, warming seas, massive extinctions, devastated societal infrastructures, blighted agricultural areas, crop failures, economic crises, and possibly economic collapse.

 Not optimistic prospects.

The good news is that none of us will be alive to witness the damage.
The bad news is that our grandkids will be.

Up to this point, my speculations do not markedly differ from those of most pessimistic climatologists. Looking beyond the disasters I perceive a silver lining. In the wake of radical depopulation, mankind will have the opportunity to reinvent civilization. The tools of communication, energy, transportation, and archived knowledge will be available. And the political will to reshape the economic and political landscapes will be profound. 

The scourge of human caused climate disasters will be laid at the feet of capitalism. Small regional socialist societies will coalesce into larger and more structured ones, likely in response to the need to eliminate pockets of fascism and corporate power.

The Brave New World (apologies to Huxley) which will emerge from the rubble will be one that could embrace human and Animal Rights, democratic socialism and freedom for all.

And the irony of it being brought about by corporate greed will be lost on dead Capitalists and dead Conservatives.


There is one man on Earth who could hasten the arrival of Animal Rights by decades, if not centuries.
Pope Francis.
In my opinion, the most significant pope in history.
Pope Francis has proven himself to be the most Liberal, most ecumenical, most enlightened pope the world has ever seen.

He has denounced capitalism, he has renounced orthodox Catholic concepts that have long alienated and separated people of different faiths. He has embraced atheists, rejected Hell, cleaned house in the Vatican, turned palaces into soup kitchens, walks with the poor, and is more like Jesus than any pope has ever been.

Considering the entrenched Conservatives in the Curia and among the Cardinals, I am amazed Pope Francis is still alive. He is making war on the unChristian wing of the Roman Catholic Church.

During his rise through the church's hierarchy, Francis was not considered a radical, but his actions since assuming the papacy would do a Liberation Theologist proud.

One can assume that there was significance to his choosing the name Francis, after Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.

If Pope Francis continues to act in the interests of the poor and downtrodden, continues to oppose capitalism and imperialism, we can hope he will acknowledge Animal Rights as well.

Were Pope Francis to do so, the effect would be tremendous. A billion Catholics around the world are directly influenced by the pope.

A number of Animal Rights activists are trying to call on Pope Francis to issue a papal bull or similar edict on Animal Rights.
If successful, Pope Francis will be the reason billions of animals will be saved.


Assertions that churches and religious leaders led movements for social change in America, and continue to do so, are based primarily on Quaker (Society of Friends) and Unitarian roles in the Abolitionist movement and the involvement of Black churches in the Civil Rights movement.
A more critical analysis of mainstream religious participation in great social change finds religious institutions to have been more opposed to change than supportive of it.

The high water mark for making an imprimatur on society was undoubtedly in the Abolitionist opposition to slavery. However, even then, most churches were of the opinion that slavery was biblical, and condoned by God. The Bible was the primary tool used to defend slavery by Southerners and Northern Conservatives.

With the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, even the more radical Christian churches fell silent on social matters. There was no discernible agitation for unions, workplace safety, or for women's suffrage from religious leaders or their churches.

With the exception of asserting their pacifist convictions during periods of war, the Quakers have become subsumed into mainstream Christianity. The Unitarians, once an outspoken and formidable political force for Liberalism, continue in that role, although their influence is all but gone.

Black churches certainly played a prominent role in the Civil Rights movement, but mainstream churches were primarily opposed to the struggle for equality and fairness for African Americans.

In the ongoing movements for women's rights, gay rights, and marriage equality, religious institutions are missing in action, or are adamantly in opposition. Curiously, many Black churches actively opposed marriage equality at the very time the gay and lesbian communities were working to elect the first Black as president of the United States.

Liberal religious leaders routinely cite their religious beliefs when championing social reform. Yet the religions to which they subscribe are antithetical to any such social consciousness.

Indeed, the charitable, love thy neighbor, do unto others like how you would like others to do onto you ethic of Liberal theologians is indistinguishable from the humanist views of most Atheists.

The United States was founded as a secular nation, but in practice has become almost a theocracy. Bizarre world views are the norm in an otherwise relatively literate populace.
Social liberals are forever at odds with mainstream American religions. The successes of reformist social movements have been inspite of American religious beliefs, not because of them.


There is a popular belief in theists that humans cannot cultivate morals by themselves - humans need to be 'taught' morals from God and the method employed is religion.
But, there is not only A RELIGION; there are many religions and each of what the religions sanctions and propagates is different from another religion. What is righteous in one religion is sin in another. WHICH ONE IS TRUE?

Hinduism expounds ahimsa, non violence and meat eating is forbidden, especially beef. Cows are considered sacred by the Hindus because cows sustain households; they give milk, dung for fuel and fertilizer and till the land. Other domesticated animals are seen as lesser in this context. My atheist friend, he was born into Hinduism but has, since renounced it, eats beef. He says that it's the cow's fault it tastes so good and goes on to say why goats are eaten by some Hindus - what does goat give? Alcohol beverage? And, goats are sacrificed to border protecting Hindu gods such as Muneswarar and the mutton is then cooked and people feast on it. He likes to say that it's hypocrisy.

Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism are Hinduism's satellite religions and they too discourage meat consumption.

Judaism and Islam forbid consuming pork but allow beef and other properly slaughtered meat. Eating reptiles and amphibians is also forbidden. Zakir Naik once quoted that if one eats pigs, they will behave like pigs. Well, maybe to behave like humans we should start eating each other up. Christianity allows pork and up until Utah was granted statehood, Mormons allowed pork.

But still, many people decide to go vegetarian and vegan and it is not because they are Hindus or religious. It is because they are against animal cruelty and slavery in any form, driven by the moral compass that any system that involves slavery is inherently evil. Did God or religion teach this? Well, the Bible and Koran sanction human and animal slavery. For vegans and vegetarians, like how they won't eat their pet dog, they won't eat any other animal. And, it is for health and wellbeing purposes as well. Like how some people won't wear fur because it involves extreme cruelty in 'harvesting' the fur from the animals. Did God teach us compassion and kindness and love?

Hinduism, Judaism and Islam allows polygamy and Christianity doesn't. In Islam, up to 4 multiple wives are allowed provided the man can treat all his wives equally. Hindu kings of yesteryears and Hindu gods are known to have multiple wives and harem too. Polyandry is still practiced in interior pockets of rural India and in the Hindu epic Mahabaratha, Draupadi has 5 husbands, the Pandavas and the Pandavas had other wives too - Arjuna married Krishna's sister Shubadra and they had a son, Abhimanyu.

Polyandry is prohibited in Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Adultery and sex out of wedlock are described in Hindu epics but their persecution and pardon varies. Sage Apashara has clandestine coitus with Satyavati and Vyasa, the sage that narrated Mahabarata to Lord Ganesha to write was born as a result from that union. Sita was made walk through fire to prove her chastity after she was held captive by Ravan. 

Islam disapproves adultery, infidelity and premarital sex actively. There is no specific prohibition in the Bible against sex between an unmarried man and unmarried woman. However, "sexual immorality" is denounced in about 25 passages in the New Testament. The word translated as "sexual immorality" or "fornication" in English versions of the Bible is the Greek word porneia, which means "illicit sexual intercourse." The Torah does not outlaw premarital sex - as it does many other types of sexual relationships--and the child of such a union is not considered illegitimate Nonetheless, marital sex is considered ideal, and premarital sex is traditionally not approved of. So, the rough conclusion is that premarital sex is frowned upon by most religions and we all know how this prohibition is openly flouted - by free sex culture around the world. Certainly, the pending torture in hell failed to overcome raging hormones and lust. But, polygamy is in decline; the ideal of a single soulmate imbibe the matrimonial culture of today. You are my only one. One can see that morality has progressed leaps on bounds here and this is not initiated by religion; conscience and loyalty trigger this. Unaffordability plays a huge part too, if you know what I mean. Society too, looks down on polygamous lifestyle. Adultery or maintaining a mistress are considered abominations today and some culminate in divorce so to say a divine entity is needed to police human sexual adventures, is subject to much moot. Swans mate for life. Did God preach commitment for life to the bird?


In Hinduism, the sin of the highest order is manslaughter. In Islam, to kill an infidel means you get 72 virgins and unlimited booze in heaven. Muslims see sin as anything that goes against the commands of Allah (God), a breach of the laws and norms laid down by religion. Islam teaches that sin is an act and not a state of being. It is believed that Allah weighs an individual’s good deeds and against his/her sins on the Day of Judgement and punishes those individuals whose evil deeds outweigh their good deeds. These individuals are thought to be sentenced to afterlife in the fires of Hell. In Christianity, there are seven cardinal sins to overcome - anger, pride, lust, envy, sloth, gluttony and greed. 3 cardinal sins in Judaism are idolatry, sexual immorality and murder. See the complexity not to mention discrepancies? Which sin is the highest order and the descending order?
While the fundamentals of all religions are similar, they are not the same, divided by denominations, sects, branching and dichotomy; the debate on which one is the true teaching is ongoing. I will stick to the notion that humans are capable of being virtuous and moralistic without God and religion..


Disclaimer: This is purely the author's view. Both Coin neither agrees to nor share the view of the author.

It is illegal to sell children. That follows from it being illegal to own children. Children are not property. We are not owners, we are guardians.
So it should be with animals.

No living being should be able to own another.

Or be allowed to sell or buy another.

Owning another being is slavery, whether human or animal.

Human and animal slavery are rooted in the Bible.

The Bible codifies the bigotry, ignorance, and worldviews of a backward tribe of goat herders who lived 2,500 years ago.  To seriously give credence to it's applicability today is bizarre, and irrational.

In the fight to end human slavery, the Bible was the primary authority offered by slavers to justify the barbarous practice.

Just as human slavery was defeated, so too can animal slavery be defeated. It will take much longer to achieve, but the enemy is the same: Humans who are greedy, cruel, inhumane, and oblivious to the suffering of others.

They continue to use the Bible to justify not only animal slavery, but exploitation, cruelty, and murder, as well.

Any system that tolerates slavery is inherently evil.

Any religion that condones slavery should be summarily rejected.

Animals should be regarded in law in the way we regard children.
They should be respected, protected, and defended.


How does one know right from wrong?

That philosophical question addresses the roots of religion.
The theologian questions how an atheist can have a moral compass without a god.

The atheist wonders what deists are capable of were they not held in check by the carrot and stick of religion: Heaven and Hell.

Throughout most cultures, from time immemorial, one can see almost universal perceptions of morality. Murder and theft are denounced by all religions, and by the non-religious as well.

Religions only seem to add window dressing to the basic human sense of right and wrong. Judaism and Islam forbid consuming pork and allow multiple wives. Christianity allows pork but forbids multiple wives. Up until Utah was granted statehood, Mormons allowed both pork and multiple wives.

Most religions appear ridiculous to the practitioner of another one, while to an atheist, all religions seem ridiculous.

Gods don't provide moral compasses. The Bible, for example, condones incest, rape, murder, mayhem, and slavery. Hardly a moral guide for anyone to follow.

The atheist recognizes the good in religions, but is all too familiar with the evils as well. If there is a constant that unites atheists it is probably the admonition expressed in the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

A moral compass.
No Gods required to expound morals.


Nowadays, almost everybody worries about what will happen in the future in regards to their job. The prospect of not knowing if you will be downsized can be very stressful. As a result, here is a list of techniques and suggestions on how to manage the fear of losing your job.
The first step is to get into the habit of always updating your skills just in case something would happen. Learning how to use a computer or learning how to use the latest software are ways to keep abreast in today’s market. Continuous education in your field of work will also help you. If for some reason you do lose your job, having the proper skills will reduce the fear of being unemployed.

Stay active in your current job. Communication with your employer and coworkers is very important. If you communicate with your boss and coworkers, you should have a general idea on how safe your job is. Knowing where you stand in your company can help predict whether your job is safe. Always keep the lines of communication open in your work environment.

Sometimes we tend to exaggerate when we start to worry. Instead of worrying about what could happen, try to focus on the facts of a certain situation. Don’t assume anything and do not focus on your negative thoughts. In addition, try to read something uplifting that will make you feel better.

Take it day by day. Do not worry about what may happen next week or next month. Things change all the time and it is almost impossible to predict what may or may not happen. Do the best you can today and hope for the best.
If you have trouble managing your anxiety of being unemployed, then talking to a counselor can be of some help. Remember that people lose their jobs all the time and they are able to find other jobs. Just don’t let your fears and worries get the better of you.


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