1) Pastors
2) Politicians
3) Bankers
4) Plumbers
5) Car salespeople
6) Lawyers

I rate pastors as the least trustworthy because they ALL tell you lies—they have to or they would be out of a job. They say they know things they can’t possibly know and some will threaten you with eternal torture if you doubt them. They are professional liars.

Politicians often lie but, at least, they try to avoid outright lies (it’s embarrassing to be caught out.) Instead, their techniques are to mislead and confuse or not to answer a question whilst pretending to. Magicians practice sleight of hand; politicians practice sleight of mouth!

I put bankers in the third slot. They have won this lofty position with years of cheating and taking money from the public. But, at least, if you ask the             interest rate, they have to tell you the truth—mostly!

Plumbers are in fourth place. The problem with plumbers is that they deal in a black art and most people have no clue whether they are getting good or bad advice. If they say you need a new CH pump, you can either delay everything and get a second opinion or pay up and get your heating working again. It’s easier to pay—even if the real problem is that someone accidentally turned the thermostat down.  Also, they spend a lot of time in your attic. Are they busy saving your CH system from imminent death or are they thumbing through those old copies of Playboy you stashed up there when you were a teenager?

Car sales people are not as bad as they were. Now there are independent ways to check the mileage on second-hand cars and ways to check if it has been written-off in a car wreck. There are also plenty of ways to check the fair price for a car. Sure, you have to haggle with them but that just negotiation and you both know what’s going on.

Lawyers are least untrustworthy in my opinion. Yes, there is a layer of bottom-feeders but most will give you good, honest advice. The biggest issue with lawyers is their tendency to bill you for opening the front door or sitting in one of their chairs. If you check your bill carefully and only use them for things you can’t do yourself, you should get a fair service.

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