Once the following have been achieved, the civilization mainly focus on extending life = IMMORTALITY.

1.  Enough food and water.
2.  Eliminate aging and sickness/diseases.
3.  Free energy technology.

Even on un-ascended civilizations on many other planets, once they produce enough food/water to feed everyone, produce free energy technology, and eliminate aging & sickness/diseases... they mainly focus on immortality, focusing on rising consciousness & expanding awareness... All the advancing in technology, science, healing, and etc all have one ultimate focus; that focus is to extend the life of the physical body. (If one evolves enough in consciousness to where one doesn't need a physical body, that's a completely different story.)

If a civilization  has free energy, then there would not be pollution. If it produces enough food/water, no one would worry about being starve to death.  If it has eliminated sickness/disease by enhancing the body or by completely eliminated all harmful sick-causing organism, there would be no aging/sickness/diseases.  Everyone would be focusing on advancing technology, science, consciousness, spirituality and exploration of the Cosmos.... because everyone would have a lot of free time to do what they love most. 
If Earth was not under domination, not under control, and the technology was not suppressed by the en-slavers.... Earth would be very advanced by now.

If you have all the food/water you ever need, have free energy technology to travel, and don't age or get sick....What would you be doing most of the time??!  Think about it...
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