"Can you imagine what our world would have been if the fans of Newton threatened Einstein with murder when he found deviations from his theory? Or the fans of Einstein threatening Neils Bohr, when his ideas of quantum physics clashed with Einstein’s vision of the universe ?  People with old ideas burning people with new ideas! We would have been a spiritually enlightened specie without light and electricity!" - Kamal Hassan

Communal tensions ascertain that various religious communities live in disparate clusters. Religion to maps populations - it creates secular borders so secularism is nothing but a marketing convenience in elections. 

(If you have not read Part 1 and Part 2. Read them here: 

A diffused society that is tolerant is difficult to manipulate.

Secularism cannot be a one way street - imagine a thought experiment where a bunch of non-believers team up and start threatening violence against release of films based on mythology and scriptures because they propagate unverified claims that can influence young children in undesirable ways. Films that insult people’s intelligence.

Would the Indian govt. be prepared to ban those films ?

So, if you allow films that propagate unverified religious claims, it’s only fair that you allow films that might touch upon religion/religious people.
Some people find solace in religion, some in reason, some in mythology, some in films and fiction, some people find peace in worship, for some work is worship.  

If we don’t threaten you at your places of worship, for your own God’s sake, please keep away from the theaters where people like Kamal Hasan’s fans go to worship!

If believers insist on the cliché of not hurting sentiments, why don’t they take a lead by ceasing from chanting prayers at 4 am, disrupting the sleep of others?

If you really believe God lies within, stop using loudspeakers to reach out to him because if God can see everything, surely he is able to hear everything.

Stop building places of worship in the middle of the road. If you are so religious buy a property to worship and stop encroaching on public property. Better still, ask your Gods to build houses of worship for you!

Because frankly your religious sentiments cause traffic jams that hampers normal activities.

But if we don’t demolish those places of worship despite the inconvenience, it’s only fair, you also keep your hands off movie theaters and art galleries. Because for a lot of artists those places are sacred!

Read part 4 here: 

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